- July 10, 2021
- Posted by: ICCRI
- Category: Workshop
Training activities through field schools to increase the capacity of farmers continue to be carried out by Puslitkoka and Lestari. In the context of implementing the collaborative program between Puslitkoka and Lestari which is funded by the Government of Canada, FIT and the Inter Council Network continued, Puslitkoka is here for coffee farmers in South Sulawesi. Puslitkoka represented by coffee experts, namely Fitria Yuliasmara, SP., Diany Faila Sophia Hartatri, SP., MSc., and Novie Pranata Erdiansyah, SP. MSi., and Gito Nugraha Budikusuma, S.Tr., carried out further PERSIPPI activities.
Several PERSIPPI activities carried out by Puslitkoka and Lestari are Development of climate-smart and gender-friendly Arabica coffee demonstration plots, Field school, Gender & Leadership Training for coffee farmers.
The cooperation activity was carried out on 8 – 11 June 2021 in 3 regencies, namely North Toraja Regency, Tana Toraja Regency, and Enrekang Regency. This activity was attended by 20 coffee farmers assisted by local institutions with material presented by the team from Puslitkoka and also Lestari.
The PERSIPPI activity is expected to increase the resilience of coffee farming to climate change and overcome labor problems by increasing the involvement of women in both on farm and off farm coffee.